Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hey men...we’ve to responsible to ourselves, but once get married, we’ve to wisely proportionate responsibility to your wife, children and ourselves.

So, please be wise when looking for a wife...once you get married, and as a responsible father [husband], you can’t look back but regret will cover all your live. Nothing can change once you already decided. Thus, think with full of ‘iman’ what kind of desired girl you’re going to choose. Combination of these criteria shall be considered:

· Base on her Islamic appearance, but please don’t judge a book by its cover! Never ever being has promise nothing but love becomes catalyst for happy life.

· Look for the prettiest in your eyes...never ever ask your friends but ask your deep insight, because pretty is subjective to everybody.

· Look for the rich girl not only in materials but as well as her attitudes. Pretty isn’t long lasting but attitudes will intact forever.

· Education. Never ever argue with women that received secular education because most/many of them are arguable! Woman with religious education background is more patience and know the best practice on how to handle husband. Women are created to ‘accompany/flank’ men. Today secular women interpreted Hawa was made from Adam’s rib, which meant to be loved and protected...yes, once Adam’s rib suppose to be ‘part’ of Adam’s body.

So, men...renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal...


Anonymous said...

apo ko bondo yang ekau tulih nih

HambaMaya said...

yo lah.. ni panduan nak carik jodoh ni.. sesuai untuk nafidz yo.. yang lain semuonyo dah ado.. ko ekau tongah plan nak buek stesen no 2 nih..

Anonymous said...

man, don't you ever think of open
2nd branch, if you yourself are not that perfect.. don't regret on what you have done.. but think how to make it better.. n forever..
Firman Allah SWT:
"dan bergaullah dengan mereka secara patut. Kemudian bila kamu tidak menyukai mereka (maka bersabarlah)kerana mungkin kamu tidak menyukai sesuatu. Padahal Allah menjadikan padanya kebaikan yang banyak." (An Nisa':19)

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
"Sebaik-baik kamu adalah yang terbaik terhadap keluarganya, dan aku adalah yang terbaik daripada kamu terhadap keluargaku. Orang yang memuliakan kaum wanita adalah orang yang mulia, dan orang yang menghina kaum wanita adalah orang yang tidak mempunyai budi pekerti". (HR Abu Asakir)


HambaMaya said...

dan selamat beramal, man.. hehehe

Anonymous said...

Seorang pendeta keramat pernah berkata :

'hendaklah kamu mencapai tahap kesyahduan. Bila syahdu, semuanya menjadi'.

Bunyi macam familiar je....sapa pandai cuba teka

Anonymous said...

tak perlu mencari teman secantik BALQIS, andai diri tidak sehebat SULAIMAN...
mengapa mengharap teman setampan YUSOF, jika kasih tak setulus ZULAIKHA...
tak perlu mencari teman seteguh IBRAHIM, andai diri tak sekuat HAJAR...
dan mengapa didamba teman hidup sesempurna MUHAMMAD, jika ada keburukan pada dirimu..

HambaMaya said...

takder entry lain ker.. fed up la asik entry nih jer.. lagi satu moha, ko buang lah word verification nih.. dah lah dalam kelas kena test, nak bagi komen pun kena test gak.. apalah..

Anonymous said...

They said a man needs this three things to be happy : Something to do, someone to love and something to hope for..renung-renungkan..selamat beramal..