Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This is our last class for OPM 770 -management of operation. To curtain off this subject, we need to present our case study based on real business world. As usual, we were divided into few groups consisting between three to four members. Our lecturer, Prof. Wan Mansor, PhD, very supportive in guiding us to make this final.

well, look at these pics...most of us look enjoying presenting their respective topics...

uhumm..group Kak Ami, as usual will present about beauty products. This time, they selected Loreal as their beautiful product to be amazed. arghhh...perempuan kan!!!

Look at this brother... very serious in giving explanation about Air Asia's operation management. His group very sure that Air Asia is building competitive advantage through operation management - cost leading.

Well, penghulu group as usual presenting their favourite company - The Rhu Beach Resort! Huh, many things need to be corrected. As said by Prof. Wan Mansor, PhD, it is something impossible to align the operation with the suggestions given by them...but good try...

Penghulu, made few jokes but not attracted other colleagues. To avoid his unhappy feeling, we were instructed by timbalan penghulu to laugh...huhuhuuu... anyhow, we know that he is a very hard working man. He keeps doing jokes to ensure he will retain his title as Raja Lawak...heheeee, jangan marah ye...

Well, younger lecturer group...huhuhuuu...as their core subject they performed well in presentation but to unfortunate fate they were presenting something too technical which they have to pay by getting unfavourable remarks from Prof. Wan Mansor, PhD. Jgn la tunjuk teror sangat...kan..kan..kan...

Well, maybe one of our group should do ABR in operation management...Think about the topic...

Prof. Wan Mansor, PhD, what can we say now is only thank you very much for been our guidance in OPM subject.


HambaMaya said...

Group tok penghulu dah macam indon nyer representative lak... klu pakai songkok lagi real... hohoho...

moha.m said...

last2, koi nyer group wat ABR in OPM...wakakaaaa...Prof. Wan Mansor, hope u'll not rejected our proposal...huhuhuuu

pak wan said...

hehe ... sori aaa u guys dh abis present baru terbaca post.... prof wan boleh kautim tu... bagus aa u guys buat blogspot ni hehe :)..

mamafar said...

Assalamualaikum semua,

saya berminat utk enrolled for emba uitm kuantan for next intake i.e. somewhere june 2010..
cuma saya nak tahu ttg jadual kelas emba di kuantan samada setiap weekends or alternate weekends..n satu lg bila advertisement utk pengambilan student baru..harap tidak keberatan utk memberi info..any info boleh email farhah_muzni@yahoo.com or just reply kt sini je..TQ

moha.m said...

ojah: no problem, may be next time kita bleh bertukar2 maklumat kan...

mamafar: actually class depends pada lecturer, but according to schedule every weekend la and there is a week break before moving to the next subject...iklan biasa nya bln feb, but better ask prof razali-coordinator emba uitm kampus kuatan. to discuss more just join our facebook...

pak wan said...

oo.. hope u guys don't mind me linking this to my blog.. just for cross referencing as well as bertukar2 fikiran :)

Anonymous said...

askum....bley share x report case study ni??? lau bleh...attach kt email sye...nutzygurlz2@yahoo.com.my..time kasih...kami nk buat final report for case study nie...hope encik ley bntu kami...